Monday, February 15, 2010

Snow - How we love you :)

YEAHHHHH!!!!!  We finally got really good snow.  Roads were horrible on the way to work this morning but I went with a smile on my face knowing I would be able to play with boys in some really good snow. 

I left work a little early so I'd get home with enough daylight to enjoy it.  It took about 10 minutes (maybe a little more) to round up the boys stuff and layer them up.  Then we headed into the backyard for a change of pace.  Ethan trekked out before I could get Alex to the door so I asked him to come back & wait for us.  His snow boots were already completely covered in snow.  We have about 6 inches at least in the backyard.  I suck at estimating measurement so it could be more - no clue.  The boys and I played about 5 minutes or so before Steve finally made it outside to join us but no luck finding the camera.  We threw snow at each other and the boys used the snow covered slide a few times.  Alex wasn't too thrilled that we wouldn't let him swing but Steve was right, with the wetness from snow on his cheeks already, it would have been a little too tempting for frost bite if he was swinging through the already biting cold & wind. 

Alex headed back inside after sliding a couple more times because he can't seem to keep his face out of the snow so he tends to get colder faster.  Ethan got to stay and play some more though.  I showed him again how to make a snow angel.  We made matching angels and then turned around to view our handy work.  Somehow Ethan must think snow angels are bad though because no sooner did we check them out then he started wiping them away.  He used his hands to smear them fully while crawling through them and then said, "Mama, let me teach you something.  Let's dust do this."  He proceeded to crawl up to the back fence and I told him he could just show me and I'd watch.  He got to the back fence and said, "Now Mama, look."  Sure enough, he'd made a cute little trail in the snow.  I was cold just looking at his snow covered pants.  Then again, I had only 1 layer and he had 2 but still, the snow angel was enough to soak my one layer so the snow angel and the crawling had to be getting to him.  So I changed the game, "I bet you can't get me."  He fell for it and the chase was on.  I got most of the way to the door and he said, "You can't get me."  So I turned around and he was right there.  I, of course, got him and we threw snow at each other a few more times and then I had to break his heart.  "It's time to go in, honey."  E: "But I wanted to make a snowman."  Me:  "I'm sorry, babe.  I wanted to, too.  But Daddy said the snow isn't the right snow to make a snowman [blame Daddy for this one - I get to be the good guy].  E: "But why?"  Me:  "You'll have to ask Daddy.  But right now, look at your pants.  They are completely covered in snow and probably wet so we need to go inside and dry off and warm up and then we can come back out a little later when our clothes dry."  E [crying]:  "But I wanted to make a snowman."  Me:  "I know, honey.  But look over there where we started it, the snow isn't packing to make the snowman so Daddy said we can't.  But we'll go warm up and I promise we can come back out later."  E [still crying]:  "OK.  [walking through the door] but I wanted to make a snowman." 

Inside he calmed down as his Daddy explained the difference in snowman making snow and what we have while I stripped his wet layers and found him dry pants.  It helped that he got his Valentine chocolates and got a pallet on the couch under a blanket to warm up while Daddy made him hot cocoa.  It didn't help that Alex wanted it all, too.  Ethan did share his chocolates and even tried to share the cocoa but Alex wanted it ALL and was trying to spill it and Ethan wasn't interested in sharing his pallet so it wasn't so much fun for me.  But the playing in the snow part, THAT part was awesome.  And Ethan didn't want to go back out tonight so I guess I'll have to wait for tomorrow to get my next dose of snow-filled fun.  So glad the boys like it as much as I do (by the way, apparently Alex wasn't all that happy to be inside either but I got the pleasure of missing that meltdown since I was outside still).

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