Friday, January 18, 2013

A Fresh Year - A Fresh Start

You may have noticed an incredible lack of blog posts from me in quite some time. With 2 boys, I somehow found the time to blog several times a week. As 2 boys grew to 3 boys from infancy to Kindergarten, I made a "resolution" to blog more often. I then almost stopped blogging altogether. I became more involved in preschool at church working with Alex & Cameron. I joined the PTA at Ethan's school & quickly started volunteering to help with all kinds of things there. Between these activities, doing homework daily, working, trying to still have some "quality" time with the family - reading books, watching movies, playing games, etc., blogging took the back burner - extreme back.

Now with a toddler, a 4 year old & a 1st grader, I've realized things will never slow down again. I also realize I have the world's worst memory for all the adorable things that happen daily, weekly, etc. in the our lives. Oh, I remember the not-so-adorable things like trips to the ER, family illnesses - but the cute stuff like some of the "conversations" I wrote about in the last post, that I don't remember at all. I remembered it when I read it; it really was pretty cute. That means I am going to have to blog more. That means I'm going to have to MAKE time to do it.

I might say this blog is to help family & friends stay updated on what's going on in our lives but truthfully, I get a lot out of it, too. I really enjoy writing it & remembering the boys' expressions during interactions or the sweetness of the moment. I enjoy going back & re-reading what I posted. My regret is that I pretty much missed Cameron's 1st year in blog posts due to the past year's hiatus but I'm sure some of the anecdotes will pop up as I'm blogging other stories. Ethan & Alex are constantly saying "Mama, remember when..." - my response is almost always "no" to which they reply "yes, you/we did." I have to explain that I actually don't remember. I'm not doubting that it happened; I just don't remember it. They seem to remember everything - except where they left something or what I just asked them to do - so I'm sure they'll remind me of little stories to post from time to time.

Now, I've once again put it in writing. Let's see if I can follow through this time.

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