When I started this blog several years ago, it was to keep family & friends up-to-date on the goings on in our world. The boys were growing quickly (and continue to do so without asking) & life is ever changing for all of us. We don’t get to catch up often so this was my outlet. I’ve taken a long break from it but have decided to pick it up again.
What might this blog hold in the future? Well with 3 boys in elementary school, life is quite hectic – you’ll get some rambling recaps of special events, random conversations, proud moments, not-so-proud moments, laughter, possibly tears, random thoughts (if I don’t write them down, I’ll never remember them later), sarcasm (if you don’t speak this fluently, I apologize – my view is that if I can’t laugh at myself, someone else certainly will so I might as well laugh at myself & I often do this through sarcasm). Who really knows what this blog will hold? I’m a working mom of 3 very active kids with a husband, an extended family & a church family – there’s chaos in this house quite a bit. That will all spill out into blog form, I’m quite sure. But I promise, it’s my aim to have fun on the ride.
HA – I started to say “tomorrow I will post…” but if I say that, there’s a very good chance it won’t happen tomorrow. I’m a procrastinator & if I give myself a deadline, it’ll never happen – I’ll ask for an extension. So instead I’ll say, I’ll post a real update soon.
I wanted to go ahead & put this disclaimer out there though. I blog about what I want to talk about or share. I will question my own parenting skills in a very sarcastic manner because that’s just who I am (ie, my kids may drink more soda & eat more junk than they should; yes, I know I shouldn’t let that happen but oh well, it’ll balance out eventually, right?). I’m not asking for you to make me feel better about the choices or asking your opinion of those choices – I’m just blogging. I’m not thinking of someone else who is judging me for that when I type it so if you get that impression, I do apologize but it won’t change how I do it. If you have a comment, please feel free to share it; but if you don’t want to share it & you don’t like it, my only other suggestion would be that you not read it. I have lots of self-doubt in my parenting style & I’m very tongue-in-cheek about it. Why? Because I have absolutely no doubt that I will screw up sometimes when I’m parenting – it’s part of being human. I’m also comforted knowing that chances are good, I’m not the first one to make the mistake or at least something similar. AND I’m content in the knowledge that God has a plan for me which I likely didn’t follow when I screwed up or maybe I did & He wanted me to learn from it. Basically, I’ll tell you all about it, sarcastically most likely, and then move on – or maybe wallow in it for a bit & then move on – but either way, my family will come out on the other end of this thing called LIFE with some stories, lots of love & hopefully at least a little bit of courage & caring in their hearts.
So – welcome back to our WATERS FAMILY TIDBITS – I hope you’ll enjoy our (my) stories!
P.S. - Being OCD & deciding to restart your blog at 10:45pm is probably not the smartest move. Restarting the blog means updating the cover pictures, the overall look & feel AND writing the actual post (ok – that part took about 10 minutes). It’s now 1:00am, I have to work tomorrow & have decided it’s just going to have to do for now (so please notice I updated the pictures, etc). I blame the graphic artists I used to work with for the fact that I can’t just slap something up there & call it a day (you know who you are).
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