Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday's Sweet Moments

I think the cutest thing I've ever heard Ethan say is "he's takin' more steps, Mom [or Daddy].  Owix is takin' more steps."  Well, I thought that was the cutest until tonight.  See he's been saying this in a very excited voice for a couple of days.  Tonight he did it again and when I said, "I know, Honey.  Good job Alex - you're doing so good."  Ethan said the absolutely SWEETEST thing - he patted Alex's head while saying "I'm so proud of you Owix.  You did a good job."  It was such a sweet "brotherly love" moment.  Ethan really is a great big brother and very supportive.

About an hour later, the boys and I went to get groceries so I can make a nice big pot of vegetable beef soup and some banana bread tomorrow (with Ethan's help, of course).  We pass a McDonald's on the way home and Ethan wants to know if Ronald is there.  I told him not today but he'd be at the one around the corner from our house on Monday.  Ethan thought that would be ok but just had one question:  "Is Ronald going to bring his Mom so I can meet his Mommy?  I really just need to meet Ronald's Mommy."  When I explained that I don't think Ronald brings his mom to work with him so she probably wouldn't be there.  He then tells me in the most matter of fact way "I've been good Mom so I think we should go to Ronald McDonald's house to see his Mom."  Not only is he a bright kid, but he doesn't forget anything - that'll teach us to answer "where's Ronald's mom" with "she's at Ronald McDonald's house" rather than simply saying "I don't know."

Lastly - bedtime is 8:00; though Alex would gladly go most nights at 7:30, I don't usually let him because when I do, he gets up at 5:00 and that just doesn't work for me.  Well, I'd actually like to sleep in tomorrow so didn't worry about having the boys to bed late because of grocery shopping - and we left to go grocery shopping at 7:30 when Alex was already exhausted.  He didn't cry or fuss at all the whole time we were shopping.  He sat right in the cart (with his paci) and grinned and hugged on me while Ethan sat in the back and helped me put everything in just the right spot in the cart with him.  When we left, Alex didn't fuss being put in the car seat and was asleep before I even got in the car after putting Ethan in and then the groceries.  So when we got home, I expected him to wake up and start crying as I carried him in (which is what usually happens).  Nope - he resituated his head on my shoulder all the way to his bed and I put him down then did Ethan's prayers and tucked him in with kissed and turned to leave.  That's when I saw Alex had stood up in the crib and was patiently waiting for me to come give him his kisses before he went back to sleep.  I started towards him and he popped out the paci and grinned at me and after his kisses, he popped the paci back in and let me lay him right back down.  It was really sweet - he didn't get his good night kisses when I put him in the car seat at Walmart (oh he got kisses, but those aren't goodnight kisses) so he made sure he got them before snuggling in for the whole night.

They really make my heart melt...I forgot to mention that as I gave Ethan his kisses after prayers, he said "you forgot to tuck me" and I had to explain that I hadn't forgotten, I just hadn't done it yet because I was in the process of reaching for the blanket when he "reminded" me anyway.

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