It was a gorgeous weekend and perfect weather to visit the pumkin patch. We decided this year to try a different one I'd heard of from a friend so started out around 4:30 this evening headed to Baldwin Farms in Richmond. This place was perfect for little kids and all of it is free - you only pay if you buy a pumkin or something else and those prices are pretty much the same as any other patch I've visited.

Ethan had a ball - they had huge round hay bales made into spiders (which Ethan now thinks are really cool) and even a giant caterpillar of hay. There was a haybale along the driveway with legs sticking out and Ethan said "he got stuck, Mom?" Too cute. Wegot there and Ethan wanted to take off instantly - there were ducks running around afterall. He checked out the ducks, then noticed the pen with goats. The lady let Ethan and a couple of other kids in the pen to pet the goats with her - Ethan even fed them. Then out to check out the pumpkins. Not sure where they grew the pumpkins cause all we could see were pumpkins EVERYWHERE - not piled in one little area but spread out all over this really pretty farmThey had a couple of hay bales in the field made into characters as well - another spider, red plastic on one that we assumed was a tomato, orange on another - the giant pumpkin. We took pictures on the spider then put the boys in their costumes and got some great pictures on the giant pumpkin and in among the scattered pumpkins as well. Even a shot of Alex walking in his little lion costume through the pumpkins. Ethan still gets so excited when he see Alex walking - "he's taking more steps...Owix is taking more steps" in the most excited voice you've ever heard. Ethan didn't want to take off his dinosaur costume until we reminded him that he might get it dirty back up where the goats were. Then he decided he would take it back off.

Back up where the goats were is where the caterpillar was as well as some cut outs to put your faces in - Ethan had fun with all of those as well. There was even a haybale maze perfect for Ethan. He guided me through it and then decided he's go again, backwards (he wasn't bothering anyone else as we went in the evening and it was pretty slow). We really had a great time - even though Alex does have a horrible mother who let him fall off one of the haybale spiders when we were trying to get a picture. Ethan broke his fall for the most part and there was no blood involved and Mama was able to sooth him so overall he was fine and since he sang to us all the way home (litterally from the time we got in the car until we got home, he hummed a little tune only he knew the words for), I'm sure it didn't leave any permanent damage. He's my child - it's not the first time he fell, nor will it be the last.
I'll add some pictures to this tomorrow because words can't describe the cuteness of those boys or the fun they had which their faces clearly demonstrate. In the pictures when you notice Ethan (or me) talking in the shot, it was usually to say "Happy Halloween" while the picture was taken. All in all a truly fantastic fall weekend.
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