Friday, November 6, 2009

A few notes about Alex

1)  He can find many ways to occupy himself - including conducting experiments.  His current experiment is to determine exactly how gravity works (maybe the fascination has to do with figuring it out so he doesn't fall so often - poor kid doesn't realize that he has my genes so the falling thing will continue for some time).  His experiment goes something like this: 
Lay on the floor sucking juice out of a bottle
Sit up, take bottle out of mouth and stare at bottle
Hold bottle upside down and see what happens
 - Observation reveals that even without sucking on the bottle, if he holds it upside down, the juice will, in fact, drip out onto the floor.
Turn bottle right-side up - dripping stops
Turn bottle upside down again - dripping resumes.
Hold hand under drip and get hand wet.
Put hand back on bottle, juice does not go back into bottle....lick hand.
 - OK, enough observation....lay back down and finish drinking bottle.

2)  He thoroughly enjoys climbing the stairs....only when he's not supposed to.  When it's bedtime and Mama gives permission to climb, it takes him much longer to make it up than when Mama says no.  Even if he tried 5 minutes ago and Mama said no and he was Speedy Gonzalez with it; 5 minutes later when Mama says, "it's ok, go ahead," he becomes Pokey Joe.

3)  He likes to torment his parents.
 - Steve tells him to say "Da-da" since he's mastered "Ma-Ma"....Alex responds by grinning at him and saying, you guessed it, "ma-ma-ma."  Today he d
 - I try to feed him sometimes at dinner when we're having something he'd just make a mess with.  He will take the first bit and then refuse to eat anything else I try to give him.  Steve can take the bowl and fork/spoon and he'll eat every bite.  He just refuses to eat it if I want to do it.  I'll try - he'll refuse; Steve will try - he'll eat 3 or 4 bites and Steve will pass it off to me - he refuses again; Steve takes it back, he eats it.  Ok, seriously, that's just obnoxious; especially since he gives me that sneaky little grin as he clamps his lips shut and sometimes even holds his hands over his mouth.  Yeah, kid, you can say "ma-ma-ma" all you want but this is just plain rotten.

4)  He refuses to cave to the "daylight savings time" schedule.  When my clock says 7:00pm, he firmly announces that he does not care what the clock says, his body says it's 8:00pm and it's time for bed.  It's been a week and there has been no change.  He has gradually started sleeping a little later each day but that doesn't matter....his internal clock still screams BEDTIME at 7:00pm.  I let him go to sleep that early one night this week and he was up before the crack of dawn so no, I won't cave to that - sorry kiddo, Mama is not a morning person and I can't function that early. 

5)  Any ball, any time.  No ball is too big or too small. 

6)  Books on a bookshelf are in the wrong place, they belong on the floor - all of them at once.

7)  All boy.  All rotten.  All the time.  Total imp.

8)  Love him to pieces, even when he's being obnoxious and refusing to eat because I dare try to feed him.

And that's just what I can think of right now.

1 comment:

  1. He maybe all your child but he has an excellent personality if I may say so myself.... Nothing better than living your life laughing at almost every situation very few exceptions to that rule in his life(I need a bottle and I need it now, I am ready for bed and if you dont take me now I will sit on floor and bang my head off of it).
