Friday, November 20, 2009

The Next Day...

Here's the follow-up to the events of yesterday's blog:

1)  Ethan woke up shortly after his daddy got home and came in to again ask to sleep in our bed.  I couldn't deny him again so let him climb in.  But he forgot his bottle (sippy cup that he still refers to as a bottle) and needed a drink.  I'm tired and not going to get it for him which makes the lip quiver.  For some reason his daddy thought I should go get it but was more awake than I was and wouldn't go get it himself...oh well, Ethan can get it.  So Ethan climbs down and then hovers at the end of the bed looking into the hall.  I had told Steve about the ghost conversation at this point.  Steve tells Ethan, "it's ok; nothing is out there, Ethan.  The light is still on in the bathroom so there's enough light and there's nothing to be afraid of."  Ethan quickly responds, "Ghostez are nice, Dad.  Dey are God's friends; dey help people."  OK so apparently our discussion sunk in a little and I have to say, this was super sweet to hear him say.  Steve replies that yes, Ghosts are nice.  I think Ethan then told him that they were outside, not in here and they help people (repeating that part).  So Steve told him to go ahead and get his cup and come back.  Ethan did and we all went to sleep.

The going to bed at 7:30 thing came back to haunt us this morning though.  While Ethan really didn't go to sleep till his normal time, he was still in "rest mode" by 7:30 if not fully asleep until a little after 8:00.  So this morning, my alarm goes off and I look over and Ethan is staring at me and says, "you phone, Mama." in his stage whisper (cause I use the alarm feature on my phone).  He's been awake already and saw the light on the phone come on before the sound even.  I turn it off and roll over for my 5 more minutes on snooze and Ethan continues to stare.  With someone, even my child, staring at me, it was hard to get my quality snooze sleep in so I got up as the phone went off the second time.  Ethan follows me to the bathroom and says, "Owix is awake, Mom."  Nice try kid, I can see Alex's bed and he's nowhere near awake.  Me: "No he isn't and you better not wake him up.  Be quiet."  E: "I want to take a shower with you, Mom."  (way to change the subject; smart boy because he knows just the talking will wake Alex at this point anyway).  I close the door and he continues to talk....I was too tired to really notice last night, but I bet he even talks in his sleep.  We take a shower and then head back to the bedroom, me telling him to whisper the whole time.  Turn on the light in our room cause Steve is going to have to get up now anyway since Ethan's awake.  Steve dutiful deals with Ethan while I get dressed and then I head downstairs and take Ethan with me so Steve can sleep a bit more. 

It's about 7:30 so still kind of dark outside and we have no lights on so as not to awaken Alex.  So the stairs are pretty dark.  Ethan says, "Ghostez are nice, Mom.  Dere are no ghostez in here.  Dere are no ghostez in our house but dey are nice, dey help people."  He's whispering and said this several times so yes, he did listen to me last night but also, I really think he's trying to convince himself.  Hey, if he needs to say a mantra that ghosts are nice in order to go through the dark and not be scared, have at it.  It was really kind of cute and it got him down the dark stairwell.  Once downstairs, I set him up with Curious George and Sid the Science Kid and his juice and got ready for work and headed out.

This brings us to update #2
I called on the way to work to get a doctor's appointment for Alex.  We got a slot at 1:30 which was actually perfect based on my schedule for work today.  I met Steve there just in time for the appointment and it went something like this:

The doctor comes in and says looking at Alex, "what are the chances that you don't have an ear infection?"  Me: "for this particular child?" Doc (chuckling): "yeah, like 2% maybe?" (to Alex) "Dude, I really don't like your ears.  I love you; I just really don't like your ears."  She starts listening to his heart and says "well your heart sounds fantastic."  Alex is just looking at her at this point like "what are you doing?"  Ethan says, "She's listening to you heart, Owix.  It sounds good."  (such an attentive brother).  She then is listening to his breathing and his belly and wants him to make sounds so she can do whatever it is they are doing when they ask anyone to say "ah".  He makes sound for a second and then silence.  Steve tells him to say "ahhhhh"...dutiful Alex says "ahhhhh ahhhhh ahhhhh" and Ethan starts to help him with the sound (so helpful).  Guess she heard whatever she was listening for (or didn't whichever is a good thing) cause she moved on to the ears.  After checking the left ear, which was crystal clear last Friday - less than 1 week ago, she says "well, that ear looks great except for that ring of puss around the edge."  Peachy.  She looks in the other ear and says nothing but does that heebee geebee look like "ew gross."  So it's official, his typical ear infection clues proved true again - double ear infection.  She did a flu test just to be sure he didn't have that going on also due to fever and cough and snots, etc, but that was negative thankfully so it's "just" another ear infection.  We are now on a different antibiotic that we haven't tried before which apparently could make for some interesting poop - this time, we could end up with red.  Considering the whole spitting up blood thing at 3 months, I'm extremely happy to have been warned about that little fact.  I totally would have freaked over red poop if not forwarned. 

So there's the update.  Ethan is working to convince himself that "ghostez" are nice and even remembered that they are God's friends and is telling everyone else about it, too.  Alex has another ear infection - #5 in his less than 1 year life span.  Of course, as per his usual, if it weren't for the hoarse little voice, we couldn't even really tell he's sick.  He chased Ethan around for toys so much this evening, he wore Ethan out.  He still goes after stuff he isn't supposed to have and gives that impish grin as he runs away with it.  He has more energy sick than I do anytime.  I'm really blessed to have such great and easy boys.  Now on to the birthday party, Sunday, and then the holidays.  This is going to be a great few weeks.

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