Monday, January 28, 2013

The Paci Has GOT to Go

So if you've seen more than one picture of Cameron, I'm sure you are aware that he likes loves his paci.  It's the "don't leave home without it" kind of thing.  For Alex is was his "blankie" - we only made the mistake of forgetting that on one trip to Megan's & had to break down & go to Walmart in search of a replacement.  The replacement got us home but was discarded as soon as we walked in the door in place of the real thing.

Cameron goes to bed right around 8:00 - that's his choice.  When he goes to bed, he wants something to drink though he'll go without it & he wants his paci - which he will not go without.  He won't say "hey Mama, I'm ready for bed" - that would be too easy.  He instead says "Mama, Mama, Mama" until I finally answer & then nothing - he bascially wants me to look at him when I can see how tired he is I'll ask if he wants to go to bed & he'll nod.  That's the extent of the "speaking" part of his half of the conversation - grunting & "Mama" - not because he can't talk - because he won't talk.  I'll work on that one right after I fix this paci issue as that was the bane of my existence today.

With Ethan there wasn't anything in particular that he HAD to have so we didn't know better when we introduced this blankie to Alex and thought it was so cute how much he liked it.  It wasn't until later when we realized that this particular blanket is a specialty item (given as a gift by my boss when I had Ethan & Ethan gave it to Alex as he never was into any ONE thing) that it could be a problem & was when we couldn't find it or as mentioned before, forgot to take it somewhere with us.  This brings us back to Cameron.  We knew better with Cameron - we have no excuses.  Hey - we didn't get him a one of a kind blankie or stuffed animal.  We got him a paci - we made sure we had more than one at all times.  We can't go wrong, right?  WRONG....we've been to the store late at night on more than one occasion to buy a new set of pacis when they vanish into thin air.  Now, however, he's 19 months old (almost 20) - we're not buying more pacis.  He needs to give them up.  If you've seen him lately, you know that's not really happening.  I decided today it needed to.

I didn't just "decide" really - I was driven to this great idea by the fact that from the moment I got home from work tonight I didn't see a paci anywhere.  Steve was fixing dinner - he'd be leaving for work right after we ate then it would be homework time & a little play before bed.  I wasn't the one home today but would be the one putting him to bed so I usually make sure I know where a paci is before Steve is gone.  Did I mention it's Monday & most everything about my day screamed "MONDAY" so why would this be any different?  I forgot to ask Steve about the paci.

So I'm doing homework with Ethan when the grunting "Mama" conversation starts.  It was early tonight - started around 7 but he's been eating a lot & sleeping a lot the past few days so I didn't think that odd - growth spurt time I guess.  I kept telling him to go upstairs & play with Alex while we finished homework.  Finally I gave up & told Ethan to go ahead & put him in his crib.  He was essentially begging us to do it.  Ethan came back downstairs - finished the last little bit of homework through Cameron's wailing & I told him, "ok, time to find the paci."  Ethan went up to look for it & called back down, "Mama, he just wants you."  I was in the kitchen checking counters, floor, fridge, etc & yelled back that he didn't really want me, he just wanted the paci.  We traded places - Ethan went downstairs to check the toy bin, pack-n-play, etc while I went to Cameron.  Alex is now in the game looking through the mess we call "Ethan's room" where they'd been playing.  Cameron whiningly says "Mama" - I give him his sippy cup - he chills out, drinks a little then starts the "Mama" wail again.  I said, "I know, honey, I'm looking for it.  Do you know where your paci is?"  He shook his head yes.  I let him out & he went to Ethan's room & then Alex's & started to go downstairs.  At this point Ethan & I have both checked all areas of the 1st floor - I vetoed his decision to go downstairs - it wasn't down there.

I told Ethan to get his library book & we read instead.  Cameron calmly drank his milk while I read the bedtime story to them & then we said prayers.  When we finished, I sent Ethan & Alex out of the room & told Cameron that we couldn't find a paci but it was bedtime.  He snuggled into my shoulder and then pulled back.  I said, "I think it's time we give up the paci anyway.  Right?"  He shook his head yes in agreement.  "You can do it, right? You don't need that silly paci."  He smiled & again shook his head - apparently that was a shaking of his head as if to say "yes, I do need it" because he started wailing again as soon as I put him in the crib.  Ethan & Alex then got to help me straighten most of Ethan's room & then again I moved the crib away from the wall to check behind & under it.  This was after I called Steve & he assured me Cameron had a paci at naptime & then didn't bring it out of the crib after nap so it "must" be there.  It wasn't but I did find one of the pacis we had before the last late night trip to RiteAid for new ones.  The problem is - with that trip to RiteAid, we had to switch to latex instead of rubber pacis because they didn't have the rubber ones & now he doesn't like the rubber ones anymore...the old one was rubber.  I happily told him I found it - the wailing ceased instantly & I went to wash it.  I brought it back & gave it to him & he looked at it like I was giving him a completely foreign object & handed it right back to me.  I gave it back & said, "it's just the old one sweety.  Go ahead, it really is a paci."  He again handed it right back though this time he did get it closer to his mouth first.  So I took him & the paci out of the crib & sat with him - he again gave me the paci.  So I sucked on it for a few minutes to prove it really was a paci then tried again to give it to him.  Nope - he wouldn't take it.  I told him it was all we had & he'd have to take it & put him in the crib & walked away....

Instant wailing again - wailing in itself I could stand but the fact that he was wailing "Mama" as if to say - "how could you do this to me, you are the only one who can help me, please Mama, please help me" - that is a bit beyond what I can stand for a Monday night.  I went back to Ethan's room which is still utter chaos & again got the boys out of bed to help me look....finally, I found another old paci - this one oddly is latex that he refused earlier in the paci progression at about 6 months old so we had to find more rubber ones.  He decided though later that latex were ok & started using that one again about 4 months ago so we now have 3 "good" pacis - the 2 we bought last & this old one.  You have absolutely no idea how happy I was to find this paci which, by the way, we hadn't seen in a week.  I washed it, took it to a wailing Cameron who happily took it, ceased all noises, laid down contentedly & went to sleep in roughly 4 minutes.

From start of the "find the paci" game to the end was roughly an hour and 15 minutes.  I still did not find either of the newest 2 pacis that we have & which he had this morning when I left for work.  Tomorrow either before I get home from work or when I get home from work, Ethan's entire room will be cleaned & I'm fairly certain there will be at least 2 pacis found in the clutter.  Also, Cameron is now allowed to have a paci at naptime & bedtime & no other a couple of weeks, those will be gone as well.  I can't handle another hour+ search for a paci.  My meds just aren't strong enough to sustain that :)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Murphy's Law....

I'm sure at some point I did know but now I have no clue who Murphy is/was or what event caused his "law" to come into existence but I'm absolutely over it.  Seriously, if you are waiting for a phone call you absolutely HAVE to answer, you will wait and wait and WAIT until you absolutely cannot wait any more and you'll go to the bathroom & as soon as you walk away, the call comes OR one of your children will have an accident that requires immediate assistance and the call will come.  If your house has been a germ haven for a week & everyone finally gets well and you make plans to have a lovely relaxing Saturday, a new germ will rear his head & infect another member of your family.  

Last Saturday, Cameron woke up with his eye glued shut from pink eye goop.  Thankfully, we have a wonderful Pediatrician's office that has a "twilight clinic" open evenings, weekends & holidays & we were able to get him an appt that day - we were in & out in about 20 minutes, got a script & 2 days later the ointment had completely cleared up his pink eye - as the doctor had said it would.  It's now Monday & Steve continued to dose him through that day while I went to the clinic at work to see what was wrong with me as I'd developed something over the weekend as well - a sinus infection.  Got a z-pak & went back to work.  

Tuesday's here - what does it bring?  Ethan has pink eye - he's not sure what that means exactly but he quickly decides he LOVES pink eye because it means no school for him & the treatment is only slightly annoying.  I'm on day 2 of antibiotics and should be feeling better....not so much - I'm feeling worse & even more congested.  I leave work early & come home to find that Steve, too, feels bad - probably the same thing I have & Ethan's eye looks no better.  Ethan & I both stay home Wednesday & Steve will go to the doctor, right?  Nope - he's pig headed; he'll just suffer through.  On the plus side, Ethan's pink eye is almost gone so he'll probably be able to go to school Thursday.  

Thursday's here - Ethan goes to school - no pink eye; I stay home - finally feeling relief but not all the way there yet; maybe Steve's not so pig headed as he seems fine today after having only taken sinus meds.  I kind of hate him a little for that.  I was just sick in October/November - it was his turn to get sick - not me again.  Sheesh.  Then again, when I'm sick, I'm still capable of getting up early & getting Ethan ready for school & there on time as well as working a bit (from home) and taking care of whatever else is needed - homework, dinner, etc.  When Steve's sick, he's capable of making sure Alex & Cameron stay alive all day & picking up Ethan from school (sometimes, other times - in the warm days - Ethan is a "walker" those days) - very little else.  Meals for the boys pretty much consist of whatever Alex brings his daddy to fix - cereal, cheese/crackers, etc.  Sorry Steve - but you know it's true.

Finally, Friday is here - I feel awesome - not 100% but so much improved over Tues/Wed that I actually have some pep in my step even while blowing my nose.  School for Ethan, work for me & better still - no pink eye yet for either Alex or Steve.  I didn't get it but the doc had told me the z-pak would likely prevent it anyway.  Bonus!  Got a lot done at work on Friday, came home to dinner being ready & the boys actually eating.  Steve went to work & the boys played all evening.  Cameron announced it was bedtime in his normal way - whining, bringing me his sippy & paci & looking upstairs.  Well, it was 8:00 - I should have seen that & known & then he wouldn't have had to whine.  After putting the other 2 to bed at 9:30 to watch a movie & go to sleep, at 11:30, they finally went to sleep.  I went to bed right at midnight after winding down from having gotten them to sleep finally.  Steve got home just before I fell asleep. 

Ahhhh, Saturday.....I'm sleeping so peacefully as I dream of sleeping in - litterally, I was dreaming that I was sleeping in when all of a sudden....."waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"  Cameron's awake - he probably just can't find his paci...."shhhhhhh, shhhhhh, Cameron, it's ok, shhhhhh" His response (louder) "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" - I open my eyes, it's 3:10am, I get up to get him out.  He's on fire - his entire body is burning up.  Peachy.  So much for my good night's sleep - I could really have used the extra rest, too.  I sooth him back to sleep and start to fall asleep myself ... "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" - he wasn't asleep & saw me heading that way & put a stop to that in a hurry.  Have I mentioned that my loving husband was still up & playing on the computer downstairs & could have come up to relieve me but did not?  That's all right; his turn is coming.  Jump ahead - it's 5:00am, Cameron is still not going to sleep, still burning up despite the fan, tylenol & lack of blankets on him.  So what's he doing, he's feeling all over Daddy's side of the bed & moving over to it & fussing.  I give up, "STEVE!!!" A very sleepy "What?" comes back.  I haven't confirmed this with him but I'm pretty sure he's fallen asleep downstairs playing the computer - that's the last sleep he's getting tonight though.  "Get up here, Cameron wants you."  He begrudgingly comes up saying "no he doesn't."  Wrong.  Cameron proceeded to flip flop back & forth between us until 7:30 keeping us both awake the entire time.  It's like he knew which of us was about to pass out & went to that one.  Then he found a comfortable/comforting spot - for him anyway.  He laid across my body & stayed still - cooking me with his feverish body - I thought he went to sleep.  Steve checked - nope, eyes wide open.  Rotten child but he was sick & that was comfortable so I'll suffer through.  8:30 ticks by, Steve starts snoring....ok so maybe he got another half hour of sleep but to be fair, I had 3 hours between going to sleep & being awakened the first time.  

It's now 9:00ish; the TV is on downstairs which means somehow I managed to sleep for about 20 minutes while the older 2 snuck downstairs.  I wake up Steve & call the other 2 up to get dressed as we have errands to run.  We were going to go to Eileen's to take pictures of the boys but that's not happening - we still have some other stuff to do & I'd like to be done by 11:45 when I can call to get another Twilight Clinic appt.  Errands done, almost in Lexington - it's 11:45 - I actually got through on the first call.  They put me on hold but just for a minute.  God smiled on me - I was the first caller & I got the first appt.  Yep, I can be there by noon, no problem.  WOOHOO!  Steve drops Cam & me off at the door & takes the older 2 to DQ for blizzards as they've been fairly good while we ran errands.  I forgot to mention Cameron had Tylenol before we left the house which apparently worked as he had no temp at all when we got to the doctor despite the 102 degree body that had baked me all night long.  He also tried to go to sleep 3 minutes before we got to the clinic.  I was selfishly happy to have to wake him up for the appt - if I can't sleep, he can't sleep.  

A short 15 minutes in the office & we have a diagnosis - thick fluid behind the ears but not yet an ear infection as it's not yet red & inflamed.  However, he does have infection & swelling up his nose so in another day, the ears would probably be infected as well.  Sinus infection = our friend Augemtin to the rescue & the doc even called it in so 30 seconds after arriving at the drive-thru pharmacy, it's ready.  Finally, we're home, it's 1:00 - it's naptime.  Medicine for Cameron, a drink for the older 2, a text to elementary minister that only Steve will make it tomorrow as I'll stay home with Cam & it's absolutely naptime.  Cameron is asleep in about 5 minutes.  The other 2 are not so compliant but after a few intimidating words from Mama ending with "I have been awake since 3:00am and if you want to play Wii ever again in your life, you will lay down, close your mouth, close your eyes, keep your hands to yourself & go to sleep."  

A 2.5 hour nap makes everything better, right?  Not so much - Cameron woke up with a fever again.  Another dose of Tylenol, Steve heads off to work, I fix dinner for the kids.  Dinner is ready, fever is gone.  Excellent - yeah, I want chocolate.  I know - let's make BROWNIES!  Brownies AND a nap in the same day?  Yes, I think I will.  "If you don't eat every bit of this dinner, you do not get the dessert Mama is making.  Brownies with toffee bits in it."  Everyone ate every bite - no arguments.  Ahhhhhh, I'll show Murphy he & his law can go fly a kite.  

Friday, January 18, 2013

A Fresh Year - A Fresh Start

You may have noticed an incredible lack of blog posts from me in quite some time. With 2 boys, I somehow found the time to blog several times a week. As 2 boys grew to 3 boys from infancy to Kindergarten, I made a "resolution" to blog more often. I then almost stopped blogging altogether. I became more involved in preschool at church working with Alex & Cameron. I joined the PTA at Ethan's school & quickly started volunteering to help with all kinds of things there. Between these activities, doing homework daily, working, trying to still have some "quality" time with the family - reading books, watching movies, playing games, etc., blogging took the back burner - extreme back.

Now with a toddler, a 4 year old & a 1st grader, I've realized things will never slow down again. I also realize I have the world's worst memory for all the adorable things that happen daily, weekly, etc. in the our lives. Oh, I remember the not-so-adorable things like trips to the ER, family illnesses - but the cute stuff like some of the "conversations" I wrote about in the last post, that I don't remember at all. I remembered it when I read it; it really was pretty cute. That means I am going to have to blog more. That means I'm going to have to MAKE time to do it.

I might say this blog is to help family & friends stay updated on what's going on in our lives but truthfully, I get a lot out of it, too. I really enjoy writing it & remembering the boys' expressions during interactions or the sweetness of the moment. I enjoy going back & re-reading what I posted. My regret is that I pretty much missed Cameron's 1st year in blog posts due to the past year's hiatus but I'm sure some of the anecdotes will pop up as I'm blogging other stories. Ethan & Alex are constantly saying "Mama, remember when..." - my response is almost always "no" to which they reply "yes, you/we did." I have to explain that I actually don't remember. I'm not doubting that it happened; I just don't remember it. They seem to remember everything - except where they left something or what I just asked them to do - so I'm sure they'll remind me of little stories to post from time to time.

Now, I've once again put it in writing. Let's see if I can follow through this time.